Get your
domain name

Domain names

A good domain name is incredibly important. For any company. After all, it is the signpost that ensures that your website can be found online.

Why bNamed?

Capitalize on our expertise We will do everything we can to make things as easy as possible for you – including for exotic extensions with special formalities.

For any and all extensions With us you can register your name under any extension. And if there are any special conditions, our trustee service offers a solution.

Unique support Professional, warm-hearted, first line and with knowledge of the state of affairs. With us you are a customer, not a number!

Your domain name in a few simple steps

You will naturally want to know how such a domain name registration at bNamed works. Understandable! That is why we will apprise you of the subsequent steps we always take. Here we go:
1 Check the availabilityd of your domain name in our particularly broad range of extensions
2 Place your order by logging in to your bNamed account
3 Specify who is to become the owner of the domain name
4 Time for all technical settings
5 Just pay, and you are all set: your brand new domain name is ready to use.
6 Have fun

The importance of a good domain name

It is quite simple, really. The stronger your domain name, the better you or your organization can be found online. But what makes a domain name 'good'? Here are a few handy tips:

1 Simplicity is a virtue

And that has never been as true as when it comes to your domain name. Keep it legible, simple and recognizable. Provide a clear name that is easy to remember and without any confusion about the spelling. Go out for an evening with friends and try first hand to see how easy it is to remember your name. Will they remember it the next morning? Pro-tip: don't use zeros in your domain name, they look too much like the letter 'O'. Need some advice? No problem: we will be glad to help you.

2 Also think about new extensions

These generic, non country-based extensions provide a lot of new possibilities. You can use them as an alternative when your name is no longer available under .com, .be, .nl,... Or you can use them to show your main activity in a playful manner. Think for instance of a hosting company with a .hosting name or a pizzeria with a .pizza name. A nice extra? Google considers websites with a name under such a new extension as more relevant, which makes them appear higher in the search results.

3 Think of your target audience

Have you decided which domain name it will be? Great! Now it is important to think about your target audience. Our experience has shown us that people are very chauvinistic when it comes to domain names. Belgians choose .be, French people expect .fr and Dutch people search for .nl. In other words: when choosing your extension, bear in mind the country and the market where you want to register.

4 Don't forget the exotic extensions...

There are many reasons for choosing exotic extensions. We already mentioned that people are chauvinistic when it comes to domain names. If you, as a European company, want to focus on the Asian market, then these exotic extensions can certainly come in handy. Or maybe you have registered a trademark and you want to protect it (worldwide) online? No problem: we will go to bat for you.