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domain name

Your Swisse domain name

Prices exclusive of VAT

Domain names in Switzerland

TLD Country Registration transfer renewal / yr Update    
Switzerland29,93 USD (€ 28,00)29,93 USD (€ 28,00)29,93 USD (€ 28,00)FREE  
Swiss112,22 USD (€ 105,00)112,22 USD (€ 105,00)112,22 USD (€ 105,00)FREE

A domain name in Switzerland? Register your .ch domain name or .swiss domain name now

Situated in the heart of Europe, we find Switzerland, which is very active in the financial sector. Known for its neutrality, beautiful nature, great cities and tennis champions Roger Federer and Martina Hingis.

A country with a strong financial economy and strongly focused on tourists. So plenty of reasons why a name under the .ch domain or the .swiss extension should not be missing from your portfolio.

Registering a .ch domain name can be done quickly and in just a few clicks.
Register a .swiss domain name? There are some conditions you need to meet, but for Swiss companies, for example, this is no problem at all.

Extra information for: .swiss

Who can apply to register a .swiss domain name and what are the conditions?
The following will be eligible for the assignment of a domain name:
-> Swiss public bodies or other public law organisations (Confederation, cantons, municipalities);
-> bodies registered with the Swiss commercial register having their headquarters and an actual administrative site in Switzerland (companies, associations, foundations, persons registered with the Swiss commercial register);
-> associations and foundations not registered with the Swiss commercial register having their headquarters and an actual administrative site in Switzerland.
You need to show a link between the domain name and the applicant. For example: the domain name corresponds to the company name or the domain name refers to a product of the applicant,...
Physical persons can submit a registration application if they meet one of the following conditions:
They are registered with the Swiss commercial register
OR the .swiss domain name resembles their name, artist's name or registered trade mark. But not if that name is considered generic.
Commercial usage is not allowed for Swiss nationals domiciled abroad.
Expect a 40-day grant period!

Terms & conditions:

Extra information for: .ch

No Restrictions
Terms & conditions:
All prices are excl. VAT and on a yearly basis (unless stated otherwise)! Click here to see the prices incl. VAT.
The amounts in USD are purely informative. The exchange rate date is 21/06/2024.