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Your Swedish domain name

Prices inclusive of VAT

Domain names in Sweden

TLD Country Registration transfer renewal / yr Update
Sweden45,92 USD (€ 42,35)45,92 USD (€ 42,35)45,92 USD (€ 42,35)FREE  
Sweden45,27 USD (€ 41,75)45,27 USD (€ 41,75)45,27 USD (€ 41,75)FREE
Sweden32,15 USD (€ 29,65)32,15 USD (€ 29,65)32,15 USD (€ 29,65)FREE  

Register your Swedish domain name right here

Sweden, situated in the north of Europe. Known for its lakes and its nature but also for ABBA and Pippi Longstocking! Moreover Sweden is one of the richest, most developed and prosperous countries in the world. So a very interesting country for every online entrepreneur.

So don't wait any longer and register your .Swedish domain name right now!

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No Restrictions
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Extra information for: .se

No Restrictions
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All prices are incl. VAT and on a yearly basis (unless stated otherwise)! Click here to see the prices excl. VAT.
The amounts in USD are purely informative. The exchange rate date is 3/06/2024.