Get your
domain name

Your domain name

Prices exclusive of VAT

Buy your domain name

TLD Country Registration transfer renewal / yr Update    
Tickets465,93 USD (€ 449,00)465,93 USD (€ 449,00)465,93 USD (€ 449,00)FREE

Buy your .tickets quickly

Buying and selling tickets online happens all the time nowadays. .tickets is the perfect extension to do so. Concert organizers, bands, theatres, cinemas, artists, museums, sporting events, travel agencies, airlines, transport companies, ... they can all benefit from a .tickets domain name.

So do not wait and register your .tickets.

Extra information for: .tickets

If you file an application for a .tickets name the registry will first verify whether your application doesn't infringe any registered trademarks and whether the whois information is correct. This info needs to be filled out completely. If those 2 things are correct, your name will be registered within 5 days on a first come, first served basis.
If those things aren't correct, the registry will put your name on a website ( for 60 days. During those 60 days other parties can also file an application for this domain name and proof why they are more entitled to this name. During those 60 days, you can also provide extra evidence why you should be the owner of this name. If there aren't any extra applications after those 60 days the name will be registered for you. If there are 2 or more applications, the registry will decide who'll become the owner of this name based upon the provided evidence.
Terms & conditions:
All prices are excl. VAT and on a yearly basis (unless stated otherwise)! Click here to see the prices incl. VAT.
The amounts in USD are purely informative. The exchange rate date is 7/02/2025.