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domain name

Your Belgian domain name

Prices exclusive of VAT

Domain names in Belgium

TLD Country Registration transfer renewal / yr Update    
Belgium26,29 USD (€ 24,50)26,29 USD (€ 24,50)26,29 USD (€ 24,50)FREE  

Register your .be domain name quick and simple!

A small country in the middle of Europe where the domain name is very popular, both for professional as private use. If you're active in Belgium and you want to be found quickly, a .be domain name is best guarantee. Moreover, the rest of Europe knows Belgium well for instance because of the European institutions which are located at Brussels. Register your .be domain name and enlarge your visibility in Belgium.

Moreover it's possible to register .be IDN names. IDN names are domain name that may also contain non Latin characters. The following characters can be used: ß, à, á, â, ã, ó, ô, þ, ü, ú, ð, ä, å, ï, ç, è, õ, ö, ÿ, ý, ò, æ, é, ê, ë, ì, í, ø, ù, î, û, ñ, œ

Both a .be domain name and a .be IDN name can be registered without any additional restrictions and are active very quick.

Extra information for: .be

No Restrictions
Minimum registration period:
The minimum registration period is 1 year, the maximum is  10 year
An epp key will be requested
If you do not yet have the EPP code, you can simply start the transfer with us and we will ensure that the code is automatically sent to the owner's e-mail address, with a link to to complete the transfer.
Registration period after transfer:
IDN is supported. It is therefore possible to use certain special characters inside a domain name ending in .be.
DNSSEC is supported by .be to extra secure your domain name
Redemption period:

The domain name can be reactivated up to 39 days counting from its expiry date. A reactivation during this period, will however be charged at € 8,00 on top of the registration fee.


Terms & conditions:
All prices are excl. VAT and on a yearly basis (unless stated otherwise)! Click here to see the prices incl. VAT.
The amounts in USD are purely informative. The exchange rate date is 11/06/2024.