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How to convert your certificate into a PFX-file

You can already choose to receive the certificate as a PFX (PKCS#12) while requesting a certificate in our system. But maybe you overlooked this option or you initially needed the certificate for an environment that prefers PEM-files. In such a case it's easy to convert those PEM-files into a PFX using the free tool KeyStore Explorer.

First download and install KeyStore Explorer, if you haven't done so already. Then in KeyStore Explorer:

  1. In the menu choose File - New and then select PKCS #12

  2. Then in the menu choose Tools - Import Key Pair

  3. The files you'll be importing, are of the "OpenSSL" type

  4. In the next menu:
    • The private key you downloaded from our website wasn't encrypted. So deselect "Encrypted Private Key" and "Decryption Password" should be left empty
    • The OpenSSL Private Key File is the .pem-file you downloaded from our website at the very beginning of the certificate request
    • The Certificate(s) File should be a PEM-file containing your personal certificate and the intermediates. If you download the certificate as a .zip file from our system, then extract the zip and you'll find the correct file inside the "Linux" folder.

All you now need to do is save the PFX-file and give it a password. You'll then be able it to import it, for example in Microsoft IIS, exchange or Azure.