An alternative way to connect your domain name to your GMail account
An alternative way to connect your domain name to your GMail account
You can connect an e-mail address under your domain name to your GMail free of charge using e-mailforwarding. And in order to be able to send outgoing e-mails from your domain name using GMail, you just need one paid-for POP3 mailbox with us as indicated in this other helpdesk item.
However: for some unclear reason, GMail will then not allow you to send e-mails to yourself. If being able to send e-mails from your GMail account via your domain name back to your own GMail account is crucial for you, then you should connect your domain name as instructed below.
First create a POP3 mailbox with us for the address you want to connect to GMail
In your GMail account, click on the gear icon and then click "See all settings"
Under the tab "Accounts and import" you'll find "Check email from other accounts". Click "Add an email account"
First enter the e-mail address you want to add
Then enter the server information as below, replacing the e-mail address with the address of the POP3 mailbox you created under your domain name with us.
Username: complete e-mail address of your POP3 mailbox
Password: password you have chosen for that POP3 mailbox
POP Server: should be with Port 995
Make sure to check "Always use a secure connection" and leave the other options unchecked.
Select "Yes, I want to be able to send mail as..."
Enter your name and leave "Tread as alias" selected
Set the outgoing mailserver settings as follows:
SMTP Server:
Username: complete e-mail address of your POP3 mailbox with us
Password: password you have chosen for that POP3 mailbox
Select Secured connection using TLS
GMail will send an e-mail to this address with a code to verify that it is indeed your address. This e-mail with confirmation code should already arrive in your GMail account, but it can take up to a couple of minutes.