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Prices inclusive of VAT

Buy your domain name

TLD Country Registration transfer renewal / yr Update    
Film102,90 USD (€ 95,59)102,90 USD (€ 95,59)102,90 USD (€ 95,59)FREE  
Movie31,92 USD (€ 29,65)31,92 USD (€ 29,65)31,92 USD (€ 29,65)FREE 
Film45,58 USD (€ 42,34) Promo390,77 USD (€ 363,00)390,77 USD (€ 363,00)FREE 

Crazy about film?

You produce, direct, collect, review or write movies? You are active in the film industry as a producer, actor, actress, sound engineer, cameraman or scriptwriter? You can dress up a film set like no other or find the perfect location for a particular scene? You simply are crazy about movies and you're looking for people to share this passion with?

Then go ahead and register your name under one of those extensions!

Extra information for: .mov

An SSL certificate is required for .mov, websites only work via https. If you use our webforwarding, do not forget to activate "https". If you do your own hosting, you can of course also order one of our SSL certificates.

Terms & conditions:

Extra information for: .movie

No Restrictions
Terms & conditions:

Extra information for: .film

No Restrictions
Terms & conditions:
All prices are incl. VAT and on a yearly basis (unless stated otherwise)! Click here to see the prices excl. VAT.
The amounts in USD are purely informative. The exchange rate date is 12/06/2024.